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What is AdRoll Pixel?

Last updated on September 25, 2024

In today's digital age, understanding and leveraging marketing tools is crucial for businesses of all sizes. One such powerful tool is the AdRoll Pixel. This small piece of code can make a big difference in your marketing efforts, helping you track user behavior, create targeted ads, and improve your overall marketing strategy. In this comprehensive guide, we'll explore everything you need to know about the AdRoll Pixel, from its basic definition to advanced implementation techniques.

What is an AdRoll Pixel?

An AdRoll Pixel is a snippet of JavaScript code that you place on your website. This tiny piece of code acts as a digital detective, quietly collecting valuable information about your site visitors. It tracks their behavior, such as which pages they visit, what products they view, and even what they add to their shopping carts. This data is then sent back to AdRoll, allowing you to create highly targeted marketing campaigns.

Think of the AdRoll Pixel as a friendly spy on your website. It doesn't interfere with your visitors' experience, but it gathers crucial intel that helps you understand your audience better. This understanding is the key to creating more effective marketing strategies and boosting your conversions.

Why is the AdRoll Pixel Important?

The AdRoll Pixel is more than just a tracking tool. It's a gateway to smarter, more efficient marketing. Here's why it's so important:

1. Enhanced Retargeting

Have you ever browsed a product online, only to see ads for that same product follow you around the internet? That's retargeting in action, and the AdRoll Pixel makes it possible. By tracking which products or pages a visitor views on your site, the pixel enables you to show them highly relevant ads later, increasing the chances of bringing them back to complete a purchase.

2. Audience Segmentation

Not all visitors are the same, and the AdRoll Pixel helps you recognize these differences. It allows you to segment your audience based on their behavior. For example, you can create separate groups for people who viewed a specific product category, added items to their cart but didn't purchase, or made a purchase in the last 30 days. This segmentation enables you to tailor your marketing messages to each group's specific interests and behaviors.

3. Conversion Tracking

How do you know if your marketing efforts are paying off? The AdRoll Pixel helps answer this question by tracking conversions. Whether it's a purchase, a newsletter sign-up, or a download, the pixel can record these actions, giving you a clear picture of your campaign's success.

4. Improved Ad Personalization

With the data collected by the AdRoll Pixel, you can create more personalized ads. Instead of showing generic ads to all your visitors, you can display products they've actually shown interest in, increasing the likelihood of engagement and conversion.

How Does the AdRoll Pixel Work?

Understanding how the AdRoll Pixel works can help you appreciate its power and use it more effectively. Here's a simplified explanation of its operation:

  1. Installation: You place the AdRoll Pixel code on your website, typically in the header or footer of your site's HTML.
  2. Activation: When a visitor lands on your site, the pixel "fires," or activates.
  3. Data Collection: As the visitor navigates your site, the pixel collects data about their behavior.
  4. Data Transmission: This collected data is sent back to AdRoll's servers.
  5. Analysis: AdRoll processes this data, creating user profiles and audience segments.
  6. Action: Based on this analysis, AdRoll can then serve targeted ads or provide you with insights for your marketing strategies.

It's important to note that the AdRoll Pixel respects user privacy. It doesn't collect personally identifiable information, and users can opt out of tracking if they choose.

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Setting Up the AdRoll Pixel

Now that you understand what the AdRoll Pixel is and why it's important, let's look at how to set it up on your website. The process is straightforward, but it's crucial to follow each step carefully to ensure proper functionality.

Step 1: Create an AdRoll Account

If you haven't already, you'll need to create an AdRoll account. Visit the AdRoll website and sign up for an account. You'll need to provide some basic information about your business and your marketing goals.

Step 2: Generate Your Pixel Code

Once you're logged into your AdRoll account, navigate to the pixel setup section. AdRoll will automatically generate a unique pixel code for your website. This code will look like a string of JavaScript and will include your specific AdRoll account ID.

Step 3: Install the Pixel on Your Website

There are several ways to install the AdRoll Pixel on your website:

  • Manual Installation: Copy the pixel code and paste it into the global header or footer of your website. This should be done just before the closing tag or just before the closing tag.
  • Google Tag Manager: If you use Google Tag Manager, you can add the AdRoll Pixel as a new tag in your container.
  • Platform-Specific Integration: If you use platforms like Shopify or WordPress, AdRoll offers specific integration guides for these systems.

Step 4: Verify the Installation

After installing the pixel, it's crucial to verify that it's working correctly. AdRoll provides a verification tool in your account dashboard. Simply enter your website URL, and AdRoll will check if the pixel is firing correctly.

Step 5: Set Up Event Tracking

While the basic pixel tracks page views, you can also set up event tracking for specific actions like purchases, add-to-cart events, or form submissions. This involves adding additional code to the relevant pages or elements on your site.

Advanced AdRoll Pixel Techniques

Once you've mastered the basics of the AdRoll Pixel, you can explore more advanced techniques to supercharge your marketing efforts. Here are some advanced strategies to consider:

1. Dynamic Product Retargeting

Instead of showing generic ads to your site visitors, dynamic product retargeting allows you to show ads featuring the exact products they viewed on your site. This requires setting up a product feed in AdRoll and adding some additional code to your product pages, but the result is highly personalized ads that can significantly boost your conversion rates.

2. Cross-Device Tracking

In today's multi-device world, customers often start their journey on one device and complete it on another. AdRoll's cross-device tracking capability allows you to maintain a consistent user experience across devices. This means you can show relevant ads to a user on their mobile device based on their behavior on your desktop site.

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3. Lookalike Audiences

The AdRoll Pixel doesn't just help you retarget existing visitors; it can also help you find new customers. By analyzing the data collected from your site visitors, AdRoll can create "lookalike" audiences – groups of people who share similar characteristics with your best customers. This allows you to expand your reach to potential customers who are likely to be interested in your products or services.

4. Frequency Capping

While retargeting can be effective, showing the same ad to a user too many times can lead to ad fatigue and negatively impact your brand. AdRoll's frequency capping feature allows you to set limits on how often a user sees your ads, ensuring your retargeting remains effective without becoming annoying.

Best Practices for Using the AdRoll Pixel

To get the most out of your AdRoll Pixel, consider these best practices:

1. Respect User Privacy

Always be transparent about your use of tracking pixels and provide users with the option to opt out. This not only builds trust but also ensures compliance with data protection regulations like GDPR and CCPA.

2. Test Your Pixel Regularly

Website updates or changes can sometimes interfere with your pixel's functionality. Make it a habit to regularly check that your pixel is working correctly using AdRoll's verification tool.

3. Use Segmentation Wisely

While the AdRoll Pixel allows for detailed audience segmentation, don't go overboard. Focus on creating segments that align with your marketing goals and can be practically used in your campaigns.

4. Combine with Other Marketing Tools

The AdRoll Pixel is powerful, but it's even more effective when combined with other marketing tools. Consider integrating it with your email marketing, social media advertising, and content marketing strategies for a holistic approach.

5. Monitor and Optimize

Regularly review the data collected by your AdRoll Pixel and use these insights to refine your marketing strategies. Pay attention to which segments perform best, which products generate the most interest, and how users move through your sales funnel.

Troubleshooting Common AdRoll Pixel Issues

Even with careful setup, you might encounter some issues with your AdRoll Pixel. Here are some common problems and their solutions:

Pixel Not Firing

If your pixel isn't firing, first check that the code is correctly placed in your website's HTML. Ensure it's in the global header or footer, not just on a single page. Also, verify that there are no JavaScript errors on your site that might be preventing the pixel from loading.

Duplicate Pixel Installations

Having multiple instances of the AdRoll Pixel on your site can lead to inflated metrics and wasted ad spend. Use AdRoll's pixel checker tool to identify and remove any duplicate installations.

Incorrect Event Tracking

If your conversion events aren't tracking correctly, double-check the event code on the relevant pages. Ensure that the event names in your AdRoll dashboard match exactly with the ones in your code.

Slow Site Load Times

While the AdRoll Pixel is designed to load quickly, improper implementation can sometimes slow down your site. If you notice increased load times after installing the pixel, try moving the pixel code to just before the closing tag in your HTML.

Frequently Asked Questions About AdRoll Pixel

Q: Is the AdRoll Pixel the same as the Facebook Pixel?

A: No, the AdRoll Pixel and Facebook Pixel are separate tools. While they serve similar purposes (tracking user behavior for advertising), they are used on different platforms. The AdRoll Pixel is specific to AdRoll's advertising platform, while the Facebook Pixel is used for Facebook and Instagram advertising.

Q: Can I use the AdRoll Pixel with other advertising platforms?

A: The AdRoll Pixel is designed specifically for use with AdRoll's platform. However, AdRoll integrates with many other advertising platforms, allowing you to use the data collected by the AdRoll Pixel across multiple channels.

Q: How long does it take for the AdRoll Pixel to start collecting data?

A: The AdRoll Pixel starts collecting data as soon as it's correctly installed on your website. However, it may take 24-48 hours for this data to appear in your AdRoll dashboard.

Q: Does the AdRoll Pixel slow down my website?

A: When implemented correctly, the AdRoll Pixel should have minimal impact on your website's load time. The pixel is designed to load asynchronously, meaning it doesn't interfere with the loading of other elements on your page.

Q: Can I use multiple pixels on my website?

A: While it's possible to have multiple tracking pixels on your website (e.g., AdRoll Pixel, Facebook Pixel, Google Analytics), you should only have one AdRoll Pixel per website. Multiple AdRoll Pixels can lead to duplicate data and tracking issues.


The AdRoll Pixel is a powerful tool in the digital marketer's arsenal. By providing deep insights into user behavior and enabling highly targeted advertising, it can significantly boost the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns. From basic retargeting to advanced audience segmentation and cross-device tracking, the AdRoll Pixel offers a wealth of opportunities to connect with your audience and drive conversions.

Remember, the key to success with the AdRoll Pixel lies not just in its implementation, but in how you use the data it provides. Regularly review your pixel data, test different strategies, and always be ready to adapt your approach based on the insights you gain. With careful use and ongoing optimization, the AdRoll Pixel can be a game-changer for your digital marketing efforts.

As you continue to explore the capabilities of the AdRoll Pixel, keep in mind that digital marketing is an ever-evolving field. Stay curious, keep learning, and don't be afraid to experiment with new strategies. The more you engage with tools like the AdRoll Pixel, the better equipped you'll be to navigate the exciting world of digital marketing and drive real results for your business.

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